Archive for Journal Topic

Workplace Adjustments

The typically successful individual in our culture spends at least 8 hours per day at work, so work takes up the majority of our time. It’s important for an individual with borderline personality disorder to feel good at work – to feel the true potential for success. Workplace relationships and demands can be stressful and even triggering for some people.

When choosing a job, or at your current job, try making the following workplace adjustments:

Work in disciplined environments

When you work at a job that has clear expectations and consequences for failing to meet those expectations, you’ll have less room to manipulate and fail. Follow the rules and you will be successful. This kind of structure and discipline will help you thrive.

Consistent Support from Co-Workers and Employers

You don’t have to disclose the specifics of things you struggle with, but make an effort to make positive relationships that will serve to support you. Do your homework on friendship skills and focus on putting your manipulation and sensitivity to the side at work. Allowing workplace relationships to thrive, without judging them or demanding too much of them, will give those relationships a chance to give you the consistent support you need.

Avoid Jobs that are Monotonous

Getting bored will only lead to destructive behaviors. If you find yourself in a monotonous job with repetitious tasks, challenge yourself to have fun, push yourself harder, and look for opportunities within that position to take on additional responsibility and tasks.

Avoid Frequent Shift Changes

Sleep is extremely important for stabilizing mood. By making frequent shift changes, you will disrupt your sleep cycles, which will have very big emotional consequences for you. The goal is to learn how to control your emotions, and by messing with your sleep schedule, you will be setting yourself up to fail.

Journal Exercise: Brainstorm some ways you can make changes in your workplace to improve successful behavior and changes. Out of the brainstormed list, pick one and implement it as soon as possible. Write about how that change is making things better.

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Control Over Your Body

The concept of “control” is something that will come up a lot in the life of an individual with a borderline personality disorder. I know it comes up a lot in my life.

On of the first steps to mental health is gaining control over your body. The first way to do that is to get exercise!! Select the type of exercise you want to get, and start gaining control over your body. As you build muscles, strengthen your heart, lose a little weight, you’ll start feeling more control over your body. And having a positive control over your body is a great step to overall health.

Today’s Challenge: Pick an exercise activity and do it.  Even if it’s only for 2 minutes.  Move your body and be mindful of how the movement feels.

Journal Exercise: Exercise every day for 7 days straight.  Journal about how your body feels, and how your mind is responding to this exercise.

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